FY2025 Grant Application Page

The Nahant Cultural Council is accepting grants beginning September 1 through October 16.  Applications must be submitted through the Mass Cultural Council website.  Detailed information including FAQs and a step-by-step process is available on the Mass Cultural Council website.  If you have questions or need assistance, please email culturalcouncil@nahant.org.

Grant applications must meet criteria from the Mass Cultural Council:

  • A focus on the arts, humanities, or scienceArts refer to the creation of work in the crafts and performing, visual, media, folk, design, literary, and inter-disciplinary arts. They also include the presentation, preservation of, and education about works in these disciplines.  Humanities are types of learning that deal with human values and aspirations, human thought and culture, language, and creativity. Examples include, but are not limited to, history, social studies, philosophy, criticism, and literature.  Science is limited to its cultural, interpretive, and educational expression and refers to types of learning that deal with nature, science, and technology in ways that explain how they relate to people’s lives. Some organizations that conduct this type of activity include aquariums, botanical gardens, nature centers, natural history museums, planetariums, and science centers.

  • Public benefit

  • Non-discriminatory

Grant applications must meet criteria from the Nahant Cultural Council:

  • Programs with a focus on humanities,  local art/artists, music/musicians, culture, history, or nature/environment.

  • Community-wide events, including festivals, concerts, plays, performances, exhibits, lectures, fairs, etc.

  • Opportunities for local residents, children, youth, and seniors to participate

  • Programs to expand local support and understanding of diverse or underserved populations

  • Projects that demonstrate artistic or creative merit, good design, documented qualifications, accessibility, and community benefit/involvement.

Grant applications should follow these guidelines:

  • Applications submitted for programs developed by a Nahant resident or Nahant organizations will be reviewed.  Applications submitted by a non-resident will only be reviewed if sponsored by a Nahant organization.   A letter of support from that organization must be included with the application, which acknowledges knowledge of the applicant and confidence in the success of the proposed program.

  • All funded projects must take place in Nahant, benefit Nahant residents, and be accessible to the general public.

  • Applicants are encouraged to blend additional funding for their projects.

  • Applications must provide financial details and detailed planning for their project.

  • Applicants who have received funding for multiple years will have a lower funding priority.

  • Funded programs must credit the Nahant Cultural Council & the Mass Cultural Council on all advertising, promotion materials and on the day of the program (via social media or at the venue, etc.). Grant applicants are responsible for all promotions of their event with the collaboration of the venue or organization.